Priorities Committee Meeting

Minutes – April 10, 2006

School Administration Building – 7:30 P.M.


Members Present:  Donald Gilligan, School Committee; Charles Goodman, Finance

                               Committee, Chairman; David Grasfield, Selectman; Ira Miller,

                               Finance Committee; Andrew Nebenzahl, School Committee; Walter

                               Joe Roach, Selectman; (Hamilton)


Other Attendees:  Eileen Generazzo, Bill Heitin, Claire Jackson, Bob Levy, Mark Mazur, Jackie Modiste, Barbra Nadler, Ben Puritz, Rob Uyttebroek


1.      This is the 8th meeting of the FY ’07 Priorities Committee.


2.      The evening’s agenda included the Revenue Forecast Update, Finance Director, Library, MUNIS System, and any other business.


3.      First item on the agenda is the Revenue Forecast update.


4.      There was much discussion on the Revenue Forecast.  According to the House budget, Sharon was being level funded from FY’06.  A few items increased, but there was still a short fall of $510,000.  The Chapter 70 number was $230,000, less than the Priorities number.


5.      There was discussion on two areas for local revenues.  Motor Vehicle Excise Tax, possibly $200,000 more added to the $2,300,000, and Medicare, Part D Prescription Drug Plan for retirees, possibly $150,000 reimbursement from Government.


6.      A MOTION was made by Andy Nebenzahl and SECONDED by David Grasfield that the FY’07 working number for Motor Vehicle Excise be $2,550,000.


7.      VOTED:  6-0-0.


8.      A MOTION was made by Andy Nebenzahl and SECONDED by David Grasfield to have working number of anticipated revenue on Medicare, Part D of $150,000.


9.      VOTED:  5-1-0.  For:  Gilligan, Goodman, Grasfield, Miller, Nebenzahl.  Against:  Roach.


10.  There was discussion regarding the Overlay Reserve and the Overlay Release.  The Board of Assessors revised the estimate of Overlay Release to $450,000.  The Overlay Reserve is $500,000.


11.  There was continued discussion on debt service, free cash, the Reserve Fund, and the Finance Director.


12.  A MOTION was made by Andy Nebenzahl and SECONDED by Joe Roach to reconsider appropriation for Finance Director.


13.  There was much discussion on this motion.


14.  A MOTION was made by Andy Nebenzahl and SECONDED by Joe Roach to eliminate the funding for Finance Director.  (amended motion).


15.  VOTED:  2-4-0.  For:  Nebenzahl, Roach.  Against:  Gilligan, Goodman, Grasfield, Miller.


16.  Barbra Nadler, Library Director, explained the need for $12,499 to the Library’s materials budget in order to receive State Certification.  This amount would meet the 15% requirement.  The amount requested was reduced from $15,000 because of a staff change.


17.  A MOTION was made by Joe Roach and SECONDED by David Grasfield to reallocate from funds from the contingency fund, $12,499 to Library budget.


18.  There was discussion held on the motion.


19.  VOTED:  6-0-0.


20.  Barbra Nadler announced that on Sunday, April 23, is the grand reopening of the Children’s Room.  Paid for with State funds.


21.  The next item on the agenda was the MUNIS System.


22.  Eileen Generazzo, Assistant Town Accountant, reported on the usefulness of this system and what can be done with it.




24.  Ben Puritz reported that the week of April 24 is the House Budget debate, but the Senate is scheduled in May.  There will be no information before Town Meeting.


25.  The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 25, 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall.


26.  It was MOVED and SECONDED to adjourn.


27.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.